Project Description

Project Description

The project consisted of three schedules with job locations in multiple neighborhoods around Billings, MT. Schedule 1 included replacing 3,010 linear feet of 12-inch PVC water main on King Avenue East, Parkway Lane, and Southgate Drive. Schedule 2 included Parkhill Drive, Beverly Hills Boulevard, 19th Street West, and 21st Street West schedule, where COP replaced 3,780 linear feet of 8-inch PVC water main. Schedule 3, located on Avenue F, included the replacement of 1,970 lineal feet of 8-inch water main.

Project Details

LOCATION: Billings, Montana
DURATION: 20 weeks
PROJECT TYPES: Underground Utilities

Unique Problem Solved

The project was located in various locations around Billings which required closely managing crews and equipment to ensure we met our schedule goals. Some of the work was in established neighborhoods with a lot of trees and tight working spaces that were which required extra care to protect the surrounding properties and our crews. One of the locations was in a very busy industrial area so traffic control management was critical to protect our crews and the general public.

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